Thursday, June 20, 2013

Respect and Islam

In my high school I had learned about the LGBTQ (lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Queer etc... ) community and where I heard about horrible experience a lesbian student at her university had faced by Muslim man who had physically beat  the student unconscious and had urinated on her. This is sickening. We know that in Islam it is haram to be Gay. But as a Muslim it is our duty to respect people no matter their colour, their view on Islam or who they choose to love or marry. Things like this give Muslims a bad reputation. We Muslims are known for the  respect we give to others if they Muslim or not. Actions like this give the Islamic community a bad look. We Muslims are already facing so much discrimination and hatred from 9/11. This is not the time to be hurting people on the street or at school. This is the time we show what Islam is really about Peace, love and respect. I hope I have given people an understand of what Islam stands for. Even if someone is doing haram it is not any ones place to intervene but to help guide them. As Muslims we show our respect and not act upon the stereotype that has been placed on us.

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