Monday, February 18, 2013

The wonders of the hijab or head scarf.

Lets talk Hijab my sisters the importance of the Hijab!!
First off I'll start with a story of my weird hijab experiences that I had. Well it all start one day when I was in class when a boy in my class came up to me and asked me why did I wear the hijab? I told him that I wore the hijab for modesty and then he proceeded to ask me what is modesty? To be honest i really didn't know that much about modesty and it's meaning FAILBLOG I know right? but the only thing I knew was that we wore the hijab for modesty but had no idea what modesty was i was 14 and had been wearing the hijab since i was around 5 or 4 so i gave him this sort of example that I came up with of what modesty meant I said that it is when someone cover their body and  does not show to much skin to the opposite gender. After telling him this he told be that he always believed that in the old days were people lived in the desert that the hijab was for shielding the sand out of their eyes!! This was a surprising but funny it made me realize that a lot of people are uneducated about the hijab. Even though he was a non Muslim and of course this is common since he barely know anything about Islam and it's teachings but there are people out there born into Islam and don't know much about why they wear the hijab. DON"T worry my sisters Najma's to the rescue here to tell you all about the does and don't of the hijab and a little background info as well. Now lets begin :D

Why do we wear the Hijab?
 The reason Muslim woman wear Hijab is obviously for modesty but what is modesty. Well modesty meaning in the oxford definition is..." behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency: modesty forbade her to undress in front of so many people"
Modesty in Islam is a principles of faith Modesty does not just go on in the outer appearance but on the inside as well. Modesty is not just for woman but for men as well (but I'll talk about men modesty in another post).

Why Modesty?

The prophet (PBUH) had said that their was a certain characteristic that divided Islam and his teachings from any other religion and it is Modesty. (AbdelRahman Murphy) 

How can Modesty be on the inside as well?

Easy modest of portrayed in 3 ways Intellectual, Physical and Spiritual. Modesty can be portrayed on the inside by 2 ways Intellectually and Spiritually.

How to be Intellectually Modest?

Here's how one can be Intellectually modest. Someone can be Intellectually Modest by intellectually submitting to Allah. Knowing that Allah knows best and that you should worship him as if he can see you (which he can). 

How can some one be Spiritually Modest?

Things you can do to be spiritually modest is by using what Allah gave you for his sake  An example is your mouth instead of backbiting and taking back to your parents use it to spread the word of Islam and to use respectful words to your parents.

How can one be Physically Modest?

Someone can be physically modest by the way they dress and act. By acting Physically modest you do not raise your voice in public you voice should be only heard by the person you speak to. by acting physically modestly one must lower their gaze when seeing men. Also one should dress right by wearing the Hijab (head Scarf) and wearing clothe that do not stick to the body eg. Skinny jeans tight t-shirts etc... and you also should be covering every thing except the hands and face. If you want to wear the "niqab" which is the face cover it is even better. By just showing your face and hands doesn't mean you can't be fashion forward there are many clothe that can be worn modestly like a skirt and a nice shirt even an abaya (long black dress). You can be modest in many ways and still stay in the boundaries of Islam  It's your chance to be CREATIVE!! 

Here's a video by ali BABA adressing the does and don't about the type of Hijab's girls wear now a days.

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